Numicon is a STRUCTURED APPROACH following the principles of MASTERY incorporating Communicating, Exploring Relationships and Generalising.
- Communication - Maths is a language of patterns and relationships
- Exploring Relationships - Hands-on and learning through explicit and purposeful teaching, and play
- Generalising concepts and applying to all of life through problem-solving and inquiry learning
- Based on the CPA Approach and the studies of Piaget, Vygotsky, Bloom, Guskey, Sfard, Skemp, Davydov, Wing, Stern, Bruner and others
- Continually refreshed and updated
- Printed and Online Teaching Resources
The key benefits of using Numicon:
1. Making Maths really obvious! - a multi-sensory approach supports all learners
2. Fulfils the NZ Curriculum, the refreshed curriculum and more.
3. Consistent journey for the students through their schooling
4. Improved achievement for every student
5. Planning provided to select the best activities allowing for greater creativity
6. Assessment built in as a formative approach
7. Flexibility for any setting with settings adaptable for any cultural response
8. Inclusive education practice - every child included
9. Ongoing PD assistance, especially in a full year or two package
10. An effective SCHOOL WIDE approach loved by teachers all over the world
Read further:
What is Numicon?
An introduction to Numicon A booklet to download
Key Mathematical Ideas with Numicon
Further Research
Samples to the printed resources
Samples for the online resources
Education Hub: A practical guide to teaching maths. Numicon does this so well.
- Differentiation in action
- Conversations and discussions - building oracy, reasoning and justifying. Students are eloquent and engaged when talking with the teacher about their work, and display an extremely positive attitude towards learning.
- Supporting students to master the new content being learned while developing the characteristics of confident, effective learners.
- Using concrete, visual, and abstract representations to support conceptual and procedural understanding
Oxford Owl - online support
Numicon and other curriculums
Numicon and Maths No Problem Matching Charts for each year level- contact us
Numicon and Power Maths Matching Charts for each year level - contact us
Numicon and White Rose Maths matching charts for each year level - contact us
Early Childhood - learning through play
Early childhood information
Early Childhood products
For specialist teachers
Intervention for older learners/Acceleration
For LSC's,SENCO's, Teachers and TA's working with students who have High Learning Needs
Parents of children with special needs
What about an inclusive approach? How do I differentiate?
Differentiation can exist within a mastery approach and these appear to be the key strategies:
· Skilful questioning within lessons to promote conceptual understanding (Drury, 2014, Jones, 2014, Guskey, 2009)
· Identifying and rapidly acting on misconceptions which arise through same day intervention (Stripp, 2014, MathsHubs, 2015a) (ARK, 2015).
· Students who grasp concepts rapidly should be challenged through rich and sophisticated problems before any acceleration through new content. (NCETM, 2014)
· Use of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations according to levels of conceptual development (Jones, 2014, Drury, 2014)
This last point is sometimes linked to differentiation and to a view that ‘less able’ children are more likely to need ‘concrete’ apparatus, while more able children can move straight to a pictorial or even abstract representation.
Skilful use by teachers using a variety of representations for students, enabling students themselves to represent mathematical in different ways, is part of effective teaching. Use of a variety of representations for everyone this prevents a fixed ability self-theory (Dweck, 2000) and not conducive to student effort and to learning.
Numicon uses Numicon shapes, Cuisenaire rods, Place Value equipment, counters, tens frames, bead strings...
All information is of a general nature only and must not be taken as advice. Every attempt has been made to represent the products on this website and the information with integrity. Prices and products are subject to change.