Number activities
- Coloured spinner overlays (Firm Foundations & Breaking Barriers)
- Large shapes for display
- Activity Booklet for numbers 1 A personalised book for practising writing numerals and number words with colouring-in, drawing and cut and paste activities
- Activity Booklet for numbers -2 A personalised book for practising writing numerals and number words with colouring-in, drawing and cut and paste activities. The numbers are represented as designs of the numeral on the cover page.
Fruit salad - Using egg cartons painted in plastic paint and cut into the 10's pattern, we follow a recipe of how many pieces of each kind of fruit to make a salad. A great recipe and check system!
- Counting Fish A template to be printed out and laminated. A guide to connecting counting and patterning in water play.
Counting Fish Activity A page of great ideas to use with the Counting Fish template
Counting Shells A template to be printed and laminated. To be used in water or small world play.- Counting template You can create your own template from this file which has been created in PowerPoint. Insert your own pictures.
- Counting fruit and cars patterns Use with BB-NNS12 - Seeing 'how many' from Numicon shapes, and how many and addition and subtraction in NPC1-SF 2, 3, 4, 8
- Hot Dots Games - Use these to play and create fun games
- Fishbowl Number Patterns
- Numicon Dominoes
- Birds in the Garden 1 A free activity to use with Numicon 1 and 2 ...
- Pattern and Algebra Activities
- Pattern Trail Book
- Pattern Grids with Cuisenaire Book
- Cut out Activity for patterns Accompanies the Activity Booklet for FF BB and NPC1, Securing Foundations 2
- Spinner overlays - coloured for Breaking Barriers Spinner overlays - coloured for Firm Foundations and Numicon 1
- Wrapping Paper Repeated patterns with shapes and pegs, paint and glitter. Suitable for any level ...
- Patterns with many uses - Symmetry, 2-part jigsaw, counting in two's, memory building, using scissors
Calculating Activities - Times Tables activities at this link
Games and activities
- Numicon BINGO game These are large sheets suitable for young children to play a fun game as a group ...
- Numicon Teen numbers BINGO game
- Numicon Clip cards - Children clip on a peg at the right answer. Reinforcing number representations, names and place value
- Christmas Santa' Sack ...
- Christmas Stocking
- Christmas Tree Different ways of making a number. ...
- Decorating Christmas TreesChristmas Trees - a pattern activity
- Wrapping Paper Repeated patterns with shapes and pegs, paint and glitter. Suitable for any level ...
- Christmas Crackers
- How many? Activities to find out how many objects are on a page by grouping and patterning. Print at A3 size
- Breaking Barriers
- Breaking Barriers NNS 2 'Bigger' plan and size reasoning words
- Pacing boards and Pacing Boards for pattern activities in BB P&A 2
- Breaking Barriers Calculating 1 Plan and supporting files
- Breaking Barriers Calculating 17 . Jeeps and 10's Pairs
- Mini Schedules for the student A mini- schedule helps a student know what and when activities are occurring in each lesson. One schedule has pictures, the other is blank for you to add your own.
Activity Booklet for numbers 1 A personalised book for practising writing numerals and number words with colouring-in, drawing and cut and paste activities- Activity Booklet for numbers -2 A personalised book for practising writing numerals and number words with colouring-in, drawing and cut and paste activities. The numbers are represented as designs of the numeral on the cover page.
- Cut out Activity for patterns Accompanies the Activity Booklet for FF BB and NPC1, Securing Foundations 2
- Spinner overlays - coloured for Firm Foundations and Numicon 1
- Wrapping Paper Repeated patterns with shapes and pegs, paint and glitter. Suitable for any level ...
- Patterns with many uses - Symmetry, 2-part jigsaw, counting in two's, memory building, using scissors
Numicon 1
- Printing Tips and quantities for Numicon 1 Photocopy Masters
- Spinner overlays - coloured for Firm Foundations and Numicon 1
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 1 Organisational planning and free activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- This file contains planning to help you get organised for the week or two of activities and includes activity instruction cards. It is not a teaching plan.
- NPC 1 Securing Foundation 1 planning template
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 2 Organisational planning and free activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- This file contains planning to help you get organised for the week or two of activities and includes activity instruction cards. It is not a teaching plan.
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 2 planning template
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 3 Organisational planning and free activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 4 Organisational Planning and free activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- NPC1 Securing Foundations 4 and 5 addition story activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 8 free activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- NPC 1 Securing Foundations 12 free activity cards suitable also with Firm Foundations and Breaking Barriers
- Numicon 1 Calculating 8 Flowers
- Printing Tips and quantities for Numicon 2 Photocopy Masters
First week - Getting Started Organisational Planning- Getting set up with Numicon 2
- Planning templates - a selection to choose from or create your own.
- Getting Started Words and Terms cards for display and language study
- Numicon 2 - NNS 2 Independent activities
- Numicon 2 NNS 3 Independent Activities
- Pattern and Algebra 1 Independent activities
- Numicon 2 Calculating 1 Independent activities
- Numicon 2 Calculating 4 Planning Sample pages and independent activities
- Numicon 2 Calculating 12 - Addition of 3-digit numbers - Planning and Independent activities
- Tens and Ones frame for Place Value activities
- Exchanging one dollar $1 for Ten dollars $10
- Hundreds, Tens and Ones frame for place value activities
- Seasonal FREE activities - find more on Oxford Owl
- Extras:
- Getting Stuff out Video Click here
- Times Tables Book to download Click here
- What is dyscalculia? Mahesh Sharma
A teacher's experience
- A teacher's experience of using Numicon - Tanya is keen to share her success with you.